Fall Home Maintenance

Fall has arrived in New England, and with it comes a whole new set of home maintenance concerns and needs. Preparing your home for the winter is essential in Massachusetts, where our falls are rife with falling leaves and the winters with frost & snow. If you need to learn a bit more about how to get your home prepared for the winter season, take a look at our blog for more information!

Check Your Windows & Doors For Drafts

Our team at Three Sons recommends that the first thing you do to get your home ready for the winter is to examine all your windows and doors for drafts. A drafty window or door can often be easy to miss unless you are checking for it, but it can quickly run up your energy bills if left unaddressed. You can quickly check for drafts in your windows or doors by taking a look at the frames of both and examining them for any gaps. Another quick test you can do is holding a lit candle or incense by the frames of both and checking to see if the flame is moved by the air. If the flame is being blown around, it is obvious that there is a significant draft. Seal up any drafts by using weatherstripping, or reaching out to our team at Three Sons to assist you with installing new replacement doors and windows on your home.

Check Your Roof (& Gutters) For Debris

Another piece of your home’s exterior that you should examine for damage each fall is your roof, and gutter system. Check your roof for any damaged shingles. Damaged shingles run the gambit, from shingles that are slightly warped around the edges, to shingles that have broken clean in half or fallen from your roof. If you find that your home’s roof is damaged in any way, have it repaired before the winter in order to protect your home from potentially expensive repairs.

Another area that you should examine is your gutters. Your home’s gutters should be cleaned twice a year, once during the fall and once during the spring, in order to ensure they are working properly. If neglected, clogged gutters can easily lead to ice dams, which can, in turn, damage your roof by causing extensive water damage. Be sure that you clean your gutters before the debris freezes in order to protect your home from ice dams.

Contact Us Today

If you need assistance replacing your home’s roof, siding, windows or doors to prepare your home for the winter months ahead, reach out to our team at Three Sons today! We can be reached over the phone by calling us at (781) 899-6353 or by filling out our team’s online contact form! We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with all of your roofing, siding, window & door replacement needs this fall!