Benefits of Asphalt Shingles

If you need to replace your home’s roof, you may have been searching through materials, trying to decide which one is best for your home. Should you choose expensive, but highly durable slate shingles? Or perhaps a metal roof to help your home stand out in the neighborhood? One option that shouldn’t be overlooked is the tried & true classic of roofing materials, asphalt shingles.  Learn more about the benefits of asphalt shingles by reading below:


One of the major benefits of asphalt shingles is that they are highly customizable.  Due to the fact that asphalt shingles are installed so prominently in the United States, and produced by so many manufacturers, it is easy to find shingles in an enormous variety of color schemes, shapes, and textures. If you have a particular aesthetic vision in mind for your home, asphalt shingles are your best bet at fulfilling the vision you have in mind.

Ease of Installation

Generally, asphalt shingles regarded as one of the easiest roofing materials to install.  Chances are if you find a contractor that installs any kind of roofing material at all, they will be proficient in asphalt shingle installation.  This makes it easy to find another contractor to make repairs on your roof if you cannot contact the one who installed it.


If you are interested in replacing your roof on a budget, asphalt shingles are the best option.  They are produced by a number of different manufacturers, which drives down the price, and their ease of installation contributes to the relatively low price point for the roofing industry.


Asphalt shingles are highly durable, which makes them a wonderful option for protecting your home. Asphalt shingles are fire resistant, which makes them a good option in arid climates.  They are also wind resistant, with most manufacturers producing starter shingles, which come with extra adhesive to ensure that wind doesn’t pick up the shingles along the edges of your roof.


Finally, asphalt shingles are energy efficient.  They offer less heat transfer than other roofing materials, which makes them more efficient if you are trying to keep your home at an equilibrium. If you are interested in installing a roofing material that will help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, asphalt shingles are a perfect choice!

Contact Us Today

Interested in replacing your home’s roof with new asphalt shingles today? Reach out to our team to get started. We can be contacted over the phone at (781) 899-6353 or by filling out our online contact form. We look forward to hearing from you and assisting with your roofing replacement needs!