Harvey BP Calendar Contest

2014 Calendar Artwork Contest

2014 Calendar Artwork ContestDo you have an artistic child? This is their chance to get original artwork published! The grand prize winner will have their drawing featured the 2014 Harvey Wall Calendar and will win a $300 Toys ‘R’ Us gift certificate. Two other entrants will receive honorable mention and will each win a $100 gift certificate. Every child who submits an entry will receive a Harvey gift.

As you may already know, Harvey Building Products manufactures windows, doors, and patio rooms, including all shapes and sizes of vinyl and wood replacement and new construction windows. In addition, Harvey distributes siding, roofing, decking, railing and other building products through professional contractors.

They are asking kids from four (4) to twelve (12) to submit original Harvey themed artwork. All entries must be submitted on 8.5″ tall X 11″ wide (landscape) white non-lined paper and post-marked by Friday October 11, 2013. So pick up those markers, crayons and colored pencils and let them take advantage of this “window” of opportunity! We would love one of our Three Sons WIndow and Door customers to be featured.

Choosing the Right General Contractor

When choosing a contractor, it is important to consider many factors including:

  • Length of time the contractor has been in the remodeling business
  • The contractor’s licensing and insurance
  • References and/or warranties offered by the contractor for work performed
  • Written bids from contractors

Three Sons Window and Door has been in business for 37 years. We are knowledgeable and experienced. Please call Three Sons Window & Door today for a no obligation free estimate for any home improvement project. 781-899-6353. We are family owned and operated and treat your home as if it were our own.