Replacing Windows During the Fall Season

The decision to replace your home’s windows is a big one as there are many aspects to consider before you decide whether or not it is the right time to do so.  These aspects include things like the budget situation, current window quality, and much more. Although, one aspect that many homeowners overlook when considering replacement windows is at what time of the year it would be best to obtain them. Window replacement can be completed at any time of the year, including winter, as each season has its own benefits as to why the timing is right but when it comes to the New England States most professionals recommend completing the task during the Fall.

Prime Weather Time

There are a variety of reasons why Fall time is considered the best season of all for replacing windows. The most obvious reason would be the optimal Fall Weather. Although this time of year can be prone to storms, especially throughout New England, the temperature is kept in a relatively comfortable spot throughout the Autumn months with average temperatures ranging between 63 and 43 degrees Fahrenheit. Since the temperature is not too hot or cold the actual installation process will have minimal impact on the comfort level within the home.

Beat the Winter Weather

Another main reason why the Fall is considered to be one of the best time to replace windows is because of what is to come, the winter. During winter months massive amounts of heat can be lost through outdated windows in need of replacing which causes levels of discomfort and energy costs to rise. By completing the installation before the winter weather arrives you can sure you are maximizing energy efficiency and savings through the new windows.

Welcoming the Holidays

The Fall season sets up the stage for more than just winter though, as it also brings in the holiday festivities with occasions such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. These events are some of the most common times for homeowners to host others in their home and what’s a better way to impress guests than with a home that not only looks great but feels great as well thanks to its new energy efficient windows like the ones supplied by the experts at Three Sons Window & Door.

For Your Replacement Window Needs, Contact Three Sons Window & Door!

We are proud to staff a team of experienced professionals ready to install your replacement windows today. Using only the highest quality products available, we ensure your project is taken care of with patience and ease. Contact us by calling 781-899-6353 or filling out our free online quote form.

Fall Roofing Inspection


Before the cold wind rolls in with winter, it is smart to take a look at your roof in order to
inspect it for a variety of things. By paying close attention to the condition of your roof you
can more easily and accurately determine when it needs to be addressed and if you can take
care of it yourself. If you decide that what you have inspected can not be handled by you or
anyone in the home, or you don’t even know where to begin inspecting the roof, it may be
smart to call in a trained professional. These professionals have the knowledge needed to not
only inspect your home for any problems but also give advice on the best path to take moving
forward. Part of this knowledge includes knowing exactly what to keep in eye out for as
there are numerous aspects of a home that need to be looked at when completing a roof
inspection regardless of whether it is conducted by a homeowner or a professional.


Your roof’s lifespan can be maximized by ensuring that your home is properly ventilated,
allowing air to correctly flow in and out. This movement of are from the inside to the outside
and vice versa helps to prevent moisture from building up inside of your attic which leads to a
variety of other issues such as mold growth and mildew. If any problems are caused by poor
ventilation it is imperative that homeowners be sure to take care of not only the problem that
has developed but also the root of the problem: the ventilation. If the ventilation is not
properly addressed, the problem will continue to develop.


One reason why having a professional take a look at your home is that they can properly
identify if something that looks suspicious is an alarming problem or just your average wear
and tear. If one gets on top of the roof and notices that shingles are either buckling, cracked,
or missing altogether it is important to fix the problem as soon as possible because heavy
snow or rain can lead to damage within the roof deck.

Contact Three Sons Window & To Replace Your Roof Today!

If you have inspected your roof and determined that it is overdue for a replacement, the
trusted professionals at Three Sons Window & Door can help. Contact us today at
781-899-6353 for a new roof made form the highest quality products in the industry!

majesty custom window

Inspecting Windows Before Home Purchase

One of the most important aspects of any home buy is the inspection. The reason why inspections are so important to those buying a home is that they shed light on any existing or developing issues that could serve as potential red flags indicating that the purchase may not actually be a smart investment. Although these inspections are conducted by a professional, it is important that you know what to look out for yourself so you can form your own educated opinion about the home before taking any further steps. Each aspect of a home inspection is equally as important as the others. Despite this, one of the most important areas to make sure you’re paying attention to are the home’s windows as there are numerous things that can need addressing on both its inside and outside.

Checking the Exterior

The exterior is a good place to start when taking a look at the windows. Things to look for are signs of caulking that has deteriorated, trim that is damaged or missing, and screens that have been torn or bent. If the caulking is deteriorating and you notice that the building contractor used it as a substitute for metal flashing, it is important to make a note that the window is susceptible to water damage and if the screen is missing it is smart to take a look around the property for any replacements that can be hidden inside the home or shed. Another thing to check for is a broken seal within insulated windows. These types of windows feature two panes of glass that provide thermal insulation thanks to a gas sealed between then. Moist air and dust can make their way into the center area and condense on the glasses interior surface which leads to a film with a hazy appearance.

Checking the Interior

After thoroughly checking the exterior of all windows it is smart ot start examining them from an interior point of view. There are still a wide number of things to take a look at even when you have completed your exterior duties such as: locks, movement, and intrusion. Locks are extremely important to check because windows are also an entry to point to your home and it’s important for your home’s safety to ensure that all windows have locks that are up to date and functioning properly.

Contact Three Sons Window & Door For Replacement Windows Today!

If you are buying a new home that needs replacement windows be sure to contact the local experts Three Sons Window & Door. We are proud to carry window products from the most trusted brands in the industry. If you are looking for new windows, contact us today at 781-899-6353!

The Importance of Roof Ventilation

When living in New England it is crucial to make sure that you have properly functioning

ventilation for your roof and attic as it plays a vital role in making sure that not only the

home, but also those inside of it, are in an optimal state of comfort as well as health.

Problems such as rotting wood, mold generation, shingle deterioration, energy loss, rust, and

much more can be attributed to attic ventilation that is not up to par which allows hot air to

avoid movement as it sits there conducting heat inside of your home, or at the bare

minimum, act as a buffer to prevent any other heat that has built up inside the home from



Venting Out Problems


Having a professional inspect your home’s ventilation for signs of existing or developing issues

is something every homeowner should do when moving into a new living space. The reason

why it is so important to have the inspection conducted close to the date of arrival is because

poor ventilation can quickly evolve into a variety of numerous problems as discussed

previously, each of which will be expensive and time-consuming to fix.

Despite proper installation being crucial year-round, there is no better time than the Fall to

have your home inspected for any potential causes for concern. An inspection can make you

aware of heat build up in your attic that can pose a serious problem as the winter months

make their way to New England. This build-up of heat can cause any snow existing on your

roof to melt and then re-freeze leaving behind potentially dangerous ice dams.


Avoiding the Cycle


Although it is never too late for an inspection, often individuals can wait too long and are

then forced to spend money on costly damages that were only caused because of the issue in

venting. This leads to a continuous cycle of the ventilation not being properly addressed and

other more pressing issues developing as a result. If you are someone who has had a

ventilation inspected completed that discovered issues within your roofing, the professionals

at Three Sons Window & Door can help!


Three Sons Window & Door Can Take Care of All Your Roofing Needs!


Whether your roof has damage caused by poor ventilation, exposure, or a mix of both, the

experts at Three Sons Window & Door are here to help. For those who have realized that the

best course of action would be to get a new roof entirely please contact us at 781-899-6353.

replacement windows

Fall Window Maintenance

As anyone knows, one of the most important things to keep in mind when buying a home is the condition of the windows. Although, many homeowners tend to overlook this part of their home once they have moved in and become settled. The changing of the leaves can serve as a great reminder to not only get yourself some pumpkin spice coffee from the nearest Dunkin’ Donuts but also pay some attention to your long-neglected windows before the winter arrives.

The Best Of Both Worlds

Unlike many household chores that are either strictly indoors or outdoors, windows are special because they act as a doorway between the elements of nature as well as the contained chaos that takes place within your home. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to ensure that your windows are kept updated, cleaned and in good shape because if not, this combination of aspects can lead to a variety of negative impacts on your home such as heating and cooling losses as well as a decrease in curb appeal and value.

Common Practices

When beginning your Fall window maintenance, it is important to start with a window cleaning on the outside and the inside. The reason why it is crucial to start with this step is due to the fact that when the window is dirty it may be hard to get an accurate understanding of what condition the window is actually in. Once your windows are clean you can easily go through a list of questions such as: is there any broken glass? Do the windows open and close easily? Are the locks functional? Once you have completed all of these steps it becomes very easy to compile a list of things that need to be addressed in order to get the windows in optimal condition. An example of one of the most common issues to become apparent is the need for a new paint job. The paint on windows tends to chip and become faded over time due to exposure to the sun’s UV rays decreasing the home’s curb appeal as well as appearance as was mention earlier. Although, in some cases, the windows are beyond the point of maintenance as they have become officially outdated and due for replacement.

Contact Three Sons Window & Door For replacement windows today!

The experts at Three Sons Window & Door can help you increase your home’s energy efficiency by replacing your outdated windows with high-quality windows from the most trusted brands in the industry. If you are looking for new windows, contact us today at 781-899-6353